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Heart & Mind Festival


Heart & Mind Festival


Masters of the waterways

Masters of the waterways

Heart & Mind Festival Presents a Spring Equinox Celebration: Masters of the Waterways: A tribute to the Canarsie People of Brooklyn with Algonquin Author Evan Pritchard

Saturday, March 22, 2025 | 2-7pm | GoldenDrum.org

As the seasons turn and the light of spring awakens the earth, we invite you to gather in harmony, peace, and unity for the Spring Equinox Celebration. In a ground-breaking multi-media presentation, Evan Pritchard will share original historical maps of our region and excerpts from his research into the lively Canarsie Nation and the Wappingers people they were aligned with. He will reveal the complex cultural landscape that is buried beneath the cement of modern-day Brooklyn, its pathways, waterways, and villages.

Before the presentation, Laura Murtagh will guide a yoga and meditation session with live music from Matt and Hillary Love Canale. Afterward, enjoy a heart-opening cacao ceremony led by Dream Seed and members of Golden Drum.

This sacred gathering will guide us in aligning our hearts and minds with the rhythms of nature and the spirit of renewal. We will celebrate the balance of day and night, the awakening of new possibilities, and the deep connections that unite us all. Full event details here

Video from the Heart & Mind Festival presents “A New Fire”, March 23, 2024 at Golden Drum

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Videos on Heart & Mind TV include music from Krishna Das, Joanne Shenandoah, talks by Maestro Domingo Dias Porta, Maestro Manuel Rufino and representatives from the Aboriginal, Huni Kuin, Yawanawá, Huichol, Mayan nations and more!

"Yube Nawa Ainbu" Txana Tuwe, Txana Yube, Biruany & Natxuany - Huni Kuin @ “Traditional Medicine”- Heart & Mind Festival 2020

Traditional Aboriginal Australian Welcome Song by Lewis Burns (Tubba-Gah Wiradjuri) @ “The Sacred Woman” Heart & Mind Festival 2019

Watch full video coverage of our virtual festivals!

In a time and place where humanity is at a crossroads, Heart & Mind Festival has become a trusted ground for all people choosing to awaken on the path of consciousness.

At Heart & Mind Festival, elders, teachers, indigenous wisdom keepers, and people devoted to the consciousness movement worldwide come to offer their visions, wisdom, and ways. 

Heart & Mind Festival is not only a festival of celebration, it is a global movement. The festival is a participatory event, educating its audience through interactive experiences including sacred rituals, musical concerts, meditations, workshops, lectures and panel discussion.

Participants engage with artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, teachers, visionaries, healers, and freethinkers to celebrate and cultivate ourselves for the universal good of all.






Heart & Mind Festival is made possible by the generous donations of supporters like you. Thank you for supporting our events, our elders, and future events. We appreciate your 100% tax-deductible donation.

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