Friday, June 14th, doors open at 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Saturday, June 15th, doors open at 10:30 AM - 10:00 PM
263 W 86th St, New York, NY 10024
The Heart and Mind Festival is honored to present The Sacred Woman, a special event to celebrate the Summer Solstice and the beauty and wisdom of the Divine Feminine. Join us as we explore the sacred woman through different global traditions with elders, teachers, indigenous wisdom keepers, artists, philosophers, and freethinkers from around the globe.
Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

Through an interactive experience that will include sacred rituals, concerts, meditations, lectures, and panel discussions, attendees will learn about the presenters’ visions, wisdom, and ways of life. Join us in celebrating the Sacred Woman.
This event is by donation; no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Secure your place by clicking the donate button below.
Your ticket is your confirmation email. We will also have your name at the door for check-in.
***Please note that the schedule is subject to change***
Friday | June 14th
4:00 PM Doors Open
4:30 PM Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony with elders and representatives of the 6 Nations, Mohawk, Haudenosaunee, Sioux Nation Cheyenne River, Dakota Black Hills, Initiatic Tradition Venezuela, Aztec Tradition Mexico, Taino Tradition Dominican Republic, Wolf Clan Oneida Nation, Mayan Tz’utujil Guatemaya, Visionary Art Tradition USA, Sicangu Lakota South Dakota, Hawai’i, Huni Kuin & Kaxinawa Brazil, Jewish Tradition Israel, Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, African Tradition, Quechua Tradition Andes Peru offering a prayer and invocation to the Sacred Woman.
5:00 PM Deepak Chopra
5:35 PM The Sacred Woman Film
5:50 PM Kontiwennenhawi, Theresa Bear Fox & Sisters
6:15 PM Rabbi Yom Tov
6:50 PM Dinner Break
7:20 PM Alex Grey & Allyson Grey
8:05 PM Joanne Shenandoah
8:50 PM Pualani Case
9:35 PM Kevin Nathaniel
***Please note that the schedule is subject to change***
Saturday | June 15th
10:30 AM Doors Open
11:05 AM Lama Aria Drolma
11:40 AM Sister Vivian & Don Papson
12:20 PM MaryAnn Bear Heels & Melaine Stoneman
1:10 PM Lunch & Market
1:45 PM Tata Pedro & Nana Marina Cruz
2:40 PM Yawa Bane & Yube Huni Kuin
3:30 PM Kumu Hula Ali’i Kahuna Nui Eluhani
4:15 PM Market Break
4:50 PM Kevin Nathaniel
5:15 PM Maestro Domingo Dias Porta & Sister Maria Guadalupe Abundis
6:00 PM Break & Announcements
6:20 PM Kontiwennenhawi, Theresa Bear Fox & Sisters
7:00 PM Chief Arvol Looking Horse & Paula Looking Horse
8:20 PM Awards
8:35 PM Break & Announcements
9:00 PM Tito La Rosa
9:45 PM Closing
t,*** Please note that the schedule is subject to change ***
Co-presented with Golden Drum, The Sacred Arts Research Foundation (SARF), Movement of the American Indian Solar Culture (MAISC), Acción por la Unidad Mundial, and the New York City Chapter of the Universal Initiatic College, Jungle Cafe.
In partnership with Seeding Sovereignty, The NY Open Center, Alchemists Kitchen, Shaman’s Market, Creations Magazine, Flowering Sun Ecology Center & Shakti Bar.
If you are unable to attend and would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support the event, you may do so by clicking the donate button below. We thank you for your support!